Step 1 -
Creating Create A Profile
After Accepting accepting the Terms & Conditions, select Create a Profile:
Enter yourwe’ll enter your account information:
On the first page, enter the following information in the corresponding field:
First and Last Name
Email Address (this will be your JRNY email/username)
Password (at least 6 characters)
Tap Next.
On the next page:
Enter your birthday, gender, and height/weight
Confirm the correct Units are selected (
Imperial=in/lb and
Tap Next.
A confirmation code will be sent to the email address provided. Once received, enter the confirmation code in the field and tap Next.
If no code is received, you can tap the Resend Code link at the bottom of the screen to have another code sent to you.
You can also request a Confirmation Code by logging into your newly created profile on
Confirmation code emails are sent from
Step 2 - Choose your Fitness Level and Goals
Step 3 - Add your Equipment to Your Home Gym
To add a product a product type JRNY-embedded products in that category a product's compatible equipment has Tap Save at screen (you may need to scroll)