Versions Compared


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Last Updated:

JRNY Built-In Products

Premium content can’t be accessed after signing up for JRNY

Description: If a user is logged into their JRNY profile while signing up for JRNY, this bug prevents them from accessing Premium JRNY content. While our developers are working hard, we do not have an ETA for a fix at this time.

Resolution: This one is easy! Please log out of your JRNY profile and log back in. This only needs to be done once to access the extensive workout library available to our Premium JRNY subscribers.

Disney+ Version Update

Description: When selecting Disney+ to watch during a workout, a message that a new version is available/the app must be updated will appear.  In some cases, Disney+ will hang when loading.

Resolution: While we try to keep the 3rd party entertainment apps up to date, sometimes a new version is required before we get a chance to include it in a JRNY update. You can submit a ticket to have the Disney+ version updated through the Feedback & Support button on the JRNY Profile screen or email Please include:

  • Disney+ needs to be updated

  • The serial number from the back of the machine console

Metrics bar missing start & exit buttons during Streaming Workouts

Description: When pairing your workout with a Streaming app, this bug allows you to select more than the maximum number of metrics permitted. This causes the Start and Exit buttons to extend beyond the display.

Resolution: A fix for this was included in the 2.19 Release. If you see this issue, please submit a ticket through the Feedback & Support button on the JRNY Profile screen or email In the meantime, use the steps below to resolve.

titleSteps to resolve
  1. Select your desired workout.

  2. On the Entertainment Options screen, select your desired streaming app.

  3. Before tapping Start, toggle off one or more metrics on the Workout Metrics Bar:

    • Tap the gear icon ⚙️ on the metrics bar.

    • Tap the slider next to the metric(s) we'll toggle off.

    • The metric is toggled off when the slider is on the left side.

  4. Once enough metrics are toggled off, the bar should fit the display and properly display the buttons.

Confirmation code is not being received

Description: This bug affects profiles that are in the process of being created. It typically occurs when JRNY is closed before the Confirmation Code is entered. Users will typically see “I think you’ve already got an account…” displayed. Password resets and confirmation code requests are not completed while in this state.

Resolution: We resolved this issue with the recent update to JRNY version 2.19.0. Please update your JRNY app, then log into your profile. If the issue still persists, we can try these steps:

titleRequest the confirmation code via
  1. Go to .

  2. Click the Sign In button.

  3. Enter your JRNY email address and click the Continue button.

  4. Enter your password and click the Sign In button.

  5. When the Confirmation Code screen appears, check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email on

titleLogin with any password to continue creating your profile
  1. Log in with your email and any password.

  2. On the Confirmation Code screen, tap Next.

  3. JRNY will display “Incorrect Code.”

  4. At the bottom of the screen, tap Resend Code.

  5. Check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email, then tap Next.

    1. Note: there will be no confirmation that the code was entered correctly.

  7. In the upper left corner, tap Cancel.

  8. Log into your profile using your email address and the correct password.

    1. Note: the password can be reset at this stage, if desired.

titleAdd to your email's safe senders list

Adding to your safe or trusted senders list should allow the confirmation code to be received if it is blocked by the email service provider.

Steps vary depending on the email provider.

Required to log in too frequently

Description: Sometimes when coming back to JRNY or switching profiles, you may be prompted to log in more frequently than usual. We will be addressing this in a future JRNY update.

Resolution: The steps below may help reduce the number of times you’re required to log into your profile.

titleEnsure Auto-Logout is disabled
  1. Access the Advanced User Actions Menu - Profile Page Menu-20231012-185044.pngImage Removed

  2. Tap “Profile” near the bottom right of the screen.

  3. Repeatedly tap on the profile icon containing your initials 10 times.

  4. Tap on “Toggle auto-logout” - Toggle Auto Log-out-20231012-185207.pngImage Removed

    • "Auto Logout Turned Off" should be shown at the bottom of the screen in a text bubble.

    • If "Auto Logout Turned On" is displayed, then tap on the “Toggle auto-logout” option once again to change the setting to off.

titleDisable & Reconnect to WiFi
  1. Tap on the Bluetooth symbol near the top right of the Workouts or Journal screens.

  2. Tap on Manage WIFI near the bottom right of the screen.

  3. Select your current network, tap Forget, and then reconnect to it.

  4. Take general steps to improve WIFI connectivity environment.

  5. Reduce network traffic & possible sources of interference, reposition networked devices if beneficial, and/or power cycle networked devices.

Can’t proceed past the entertainment options screen

Description: Nothing happens when tapping the Skip or Continue button on the Entertainment Options screen. Occasionally a 3rd party app (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) cannot be selected.

Resolution: Please ensure your safety key is fully inserted into your treadmill and try again.

Unable to get past the Additional Details screen when creating a profile

Description: While on the Additional Details screen, an “Oops. Looks like we have some errors” message will be displayed, and the user will not be able to continue creating their profile.

Resolution: Attempt to log into your profile to continue.

titleSteps to resolve
  • Exit the Profile Creation screen.

  • Go to the Log In screen and enter in the email and password.

  • After the Confirmation Code screen appears, check the account email for an email titled “Bowflex JRNY Confirmation Code” (if necessary check Junk or Spam folder).

  • Enter the confirmation code received in your email.

    • If “Oops, looks like you’ve entered an invalid code” is shown, return to the Log In screen and attempt to reset the password using Forgot Password.  This will send a new code.

    • If tapping Set Password shows an error, return to the Log In screen and attempt to log in using the password entered in the step above.

Workout Metrics Freezing or Update Improperly


Resolution: Please power cycle your console by unplugging the power cord from your machine, waiting approximately 30 seconds, then plugging it back in.

Workout Profile Graph in Journal is Not Correct

Description: After the workout ends, the start of the purple line in the Workout Profile graph will be sloped, too straight, or missing.

Resolution: We are sorry you are experiencing this problem. We have confirmed the issue and are working on a resolution to put in a future JRNY release.

Split Keyboard is Displayed

Description: When the keyboard is displayed (Log In, Feedback & Support, etc), it will be split with half on the far left and far right edge of the screen.

Resolution: Tap the icon with 4 squares on the top left of the keyboard then select Standard Keyboard.

JRNY Mobile App

Premium content can’t be accessed after signing up for JRNY

Description: If a user is logged into their JRNY profile while signing up for JRNY, this bug prevents them from accessing Premium JRNY content. While our developers are working hard, we do not have an ETA for a fix at this time.

Resolution: This one is easy! Please log out of your JRNY profile and log back in. This only needs to be done once to access the extensive workout library available to our Premium JRNY subscribers.

Prompted to update JRNY, but no updates are available to download

Description: After connecting to a Max Trainer SE or IC Bike SE, JRNY prompts the user to check for JRNY app updates. Tapping Update on the prompt will open the Google Play store to check for updates, but none are available.

Resolution: We are very sorry that you have encountered this issue. We have confirmed that the problem is occurring and are already taking steps to resolve it. If you've submitted a Support Ticket ticket through JRNY, we will update you once the bug has been resolved.

Bluetooth connection lost after dismissing maintenance reminder

Description: After connecting to a Max Trainer SE or IC Bike SE, JRNY provides a Maintenance Reminder for the machine. The Maintenance Reminder appears each time the connection is attempted, and when the reminder is dismissed, the Bluetooth connection is terminated.

Resolution: We are very sorry that you have encountered this issue. We have confirmed that the problem is occurring and are already taking steps to resolve it. If you've submitted a Support Ticket through JRNY, we will update you once the bug has been resolved.

I’m not receiving a confirmation code when creating a profile

Description: This bug affects profiles that are in the process of being created. It typically occurs when JRNY is closed before the Confirmation Code is entered. Users will typically see “I think you’ve already got an account…” displayed. Password resets and confirmation code requests are not completed while in this state.

Resolution: Request the confirmation code via, attempt to log in and continue profile creation, and/or add to your email’s trusted senders list.

titleRequest the confirmation code via
  1. Go to

  2. Click the Sign In button.

  3. Enter your JRNY email address and click the Continue button.

  4. Enter your password and click the Sign In button.

  5. When the Confirmation Code screen appears, check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email on

titleLogin with any password to continue creating your profile
  1. Log in with your email and any password.

  2. On the Confirmation Code screen, tap Next.

  3. JRNY will display “Incorrect Code.”

  4. At the bottom of the screen, tap Resend Code.

  5. Check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email, then tap Next.

    1. Note: there will be no confirmation that the code was entered correctly.

  7. In the upper left corner, tap Cancel.

  8. Log into your profile using your email address and the correct password.

    1. Note: the password can be reset at this stage, if desired.

titleAdd to your email's safe senders list

Adding to your safe or trusted senders list should allow the confirmation code to be received if it is blocked by the email service provider.

These steps vary depending on the email provider.

Distance resets during a workout after 9.9 miles

(BowFlex Max Trainer SE/IC Bike SE and Schwinn 190/290)

Description: After the workout has logged 9.9 miles, the distance displayed resets to 0.

Resolution: We resolved this issue with the recent console firmware update. Please attempt to update your machine’s firmware using JRNY or a USB flash drive. Instructions for updating via USB flash drive are available here: Update Console Firmware With A USB Flash Drive.

JRNY is not completing Console Firmware Updates

(BowFlex Max Trainer SE/IC Bike SE and Schwinn 190/290)

Description: When initiating a console firmware update through JRNY, update progress remains at 0% indefinitely. If the firmware update is canceled, JRNY will not connect to your machine. We have turned the firmware updates off while we work to resolve this issue.

Resolution: Please visit Firmware Update Error for instructions to update your machine’s firmware via a USB flash drive or request a Firmware Update Kit.

Workout Profile Graph in Journal is Not Correct

Description: After the workout ends, the start of the purple line in the Workout Profile graph will be sloped, too straight, or missing.


Last Updated:

JRNY Touchscreen Products

JRNY Radio is Not Appearing

Description: JRNY Radio is not appearing when selecting entertainment options or tapping Note Icon.

Resolution: This issue has now been resolved. If you are still not seeing JRNY Radio channels for Entertainment options or when tapping the Note Icon, restart your device or touchscreen machine.

Split Keyboard is Displayed

Description: When the keyboard is displayed (Log In, Feedback & Support, etc), it will be split with half on the far left and far right edge of the screen.

Resolution: Tap the icon with 4 squares on the top left of the keyboard then select Standard Keyboard.

Disney+, Hulu, Netflix or Prime Version Update

Description: When selecting Disney+, Hulu, Netflix or Prime to watch during a workout, a message that a new version is available/the app must be updated will appear.  In some cases, the app will hang when loading.

Resolution: While we try to keep the 3rd party entertainment apps up to date, sometimes a new version is required before we get a chance to include it in a JRNY update. First, verify you have the most recent JRNY version installed:

titleCheck for JRNY update
  1. Tap Profile on the bottom right of the screen.

  2. Quickly tap 10 times on the user profile icon in the upper left of the screen.

  3. In the Advanced User Actions menu tap Check For Updates (may need to scroll down).

  4. If an update starts installing, let it complete and the console reboot without interruption.

  5. Start a workout and select the streaming app.

If no update is available, submit a ticket to have the streaming app version updated through the Feedback & Support button on the JRNY Profile screen or email Please include:

  • The application that needs to be updated

  • The serial number from the back of the machine console

Calorie bar is missing in Calories Burned graph on Journal Workout Overview screen

Description: After workout ends, the Calories Burned graph on the Workout Overview screen will not have the bar for the most recent workout. Calorie bars for previous workouts are no longer shown.

Resolution: We are sorry you are having this problem. We have confirmed the issue and are working on a resolution for a future JRNY Release. Note, the calorie data is not lost; it is present in text form in the workout Overview tab. Also, the weekly total and average is shown below the Calories Burned graph title.

Workaround: This is a timing issue when the workout is ended between midnight & noon UTC (5 PM-5 AM PST, 6 PM-6 AM MST, 7 PM-7 AM CST, 8 PM-8 AM EST). If you are not able to adjust the start/end time of your workout, viewing the Journal Overview screen before starting your next workout will validate the calorie bar is present. Note, it must be viewed at least 12 hours after the workout is completed.

Workout data missing when viewing Journal on mobile device

Description: Touchscreen workout history on a phone or tablet will not display fully on the Journal Overview tab. The Calories Burned graph and Achievements / Goals graphics aren’t updated with the new workout information.

Resolution: We are sorry you are having this problem. We understand what is happening and will address the situation in a future JRNY release.

Workaround: This is caused by having only Dumbbells and/or Whole Body in the Modality Picker bar on the Just For You screen. Adding a non-touchscreen machine to your account will filter the Journal data to include workouts performed on a touchscreen machine.

titleAdd a non-touchscreen machine
  1. Open JRNY on a mobile device.

  2. Tap the Profile icon in the lower right.

  3. On the Profile tab, tap Manage Your Home Gym.

  4. Tap on the Cardio button that matches your touchscreen machine.

    1. C7 bike, Velocore 16 or Velocore 22 - tap IC BIKE & VELOCORE

    2. M9 or MT16 - tap MAX TRAINER

    3. T7, T10 or T22 - tap TREADMILL

  5. Select the top item in the list (do not deselect your touchscreen machine).

  6. Tap on the Save button.

  7. On the Profile tab, tap the Log Out button then log back in.

  8. Select the Bike, Max Trainer or Treadmill option in the Modality Picker bar.

  9. Go to the Journal and check the Overview and Past Workouts tabs.

    1. Calories Burned graph and Achievements/Goals should be shown correctly on Overview screen.

    2. All workouts should be present on the Past Workouts tab.

JRNY Radio not functioning

Description: After launching JRNY Radio, the Play button will not respond to taps and “Press Play to Start” will stay on the screen.

Resolution: We’re sorry this is happening and will have a fix in a future release. In the meantime, please use the workaround to return JRNY Radio functionality.

Workaround: Go to the Profile tab, tap the Restart button and confirm the Restart. Alternately, you may power cycle your machine by pulling the power cable and plugging it back in.

Required to log in too frequently

Description: Sometimes when coming back to JRNY or switching profiles, you may be prompted to log in more frequently than usual. We will be addressing this in a future JRNY update.

Resolution: The steps below may help reduce the number of times you’re required to log into your profile.

titleEnsure Auto-Logout is disabled
  1. Access the Advanced User Actions Menu - Profile Page Menu-20231012-185044.pngImage Added

  2. Tap “Profile” near the bottom right of the screen.

  3. Repeatedly tap on the profile icon containing your initials 10 times.

  4. Tap on “Toggle auto-logout” - Toggle Auto Log-out-20231012-185207.pngImage Added

    • "Auto Logout Turned Off" should be shown at the bottom of the screen in a text bubble.

    • If "Auto Logout Turned On" is displayed, then tap on the “Toggle auto-logout” option once again to change the setting to off.

titleDisable & Reconnect to WiFi
  1. Tap on the Bluetooth symbol near the top right of the Workouts or Journal screens.

  2. Tap on Manage WIFI near the bottom right of the screen.

  3. Select your current network, tap Forget, and then reconnect to it.

  4. Take general steps to improve WIFI connectivity environment.

  5. Reduce network traffic & possible sources of interference, reposition networked devices if beneficial, and/or power cycle networked devices.

Can’t proceed past the entertainment options screen

Description: Nothing happens when tapping the Skip or Continue button on the Entertainment Options screen. Occasionally a 3rd party app (Netflix, Hulu, etc.) cannot be selected.

Resolution: Please ensure your safety key is fully inserted into your treadmill and try again.

Workout Metrics Freezing or Update Improperly

Description:During a workout, the metrics (distance, burn rate, etc.) will freeze, reset, jump around, and/or update slowly.  We are aware of the issue and looking into a long-term solution.

Resolution: Please power cycle your console by unplugging the power cord from your machine, waiting approximately 30 seconds, then plugging it back in.

Workout Profile Graph in Journal is Not Correct

Description: After the workout ends, the start of the purple line in the Workout Profile graph will be sloped, too straight, or missing.

Resolution: We are sorry you are experiencing this problem. We have confirmed the issue and are working on a resolution to put in a future JRNY release.

Confirmation code is not being received

Description: This bug affects profiles that are in the process of being created. It typically occurs when JRNY is closed before the Confirmation Code is entered. Users will typically see “I think you’ve already got an account…” displayed. Password resets and confirmation code requests are not completed while in this state.

Resolution: We resolved this issue with the recent update to JRNY version 2.19.0. Please update your JRNY app, then log into your profile. If the issue still persists, try these steps:

titleRequest the confirmation code via
  1. Go to .

  2. Click the Sign In button.

  3. Enter your JRNY email address and click the Continue button.

  4. Enter your password and click the Sign In button.

  5. When the Confirmation Code screen appears, check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email on

titleLogin with any password to continue creating your profile
  1. Log in with your email and any password.

  2. On the Confirmation Code screen, tap Next.

  3. JRNY will display “Incorrect Code.”

  4. At the bottom of the screen, tap Resend Code.

  5. Check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email, then tap Next.

    1. Note: there will be no confirmation that the code was entered correctly.

  7. In the upper left corner, tap Cancel.

  8. Log into your profile using your email address and the correct password.

    1. Note: the password can be reset at this stage, if desired.

titleAdd to your email's safe senders list

Adding to your safe or trusted senders list should allow the confirmation code to be received if it is blocked by the email service provider.

Steps vary depending on the email provider.

Unable to Skip songs in JRNY Radio (International Only)

Description: After selecting a music channel, the Skip button will be inactive and the Limited Skips modal will be displayed when it or the Thumbs Down button is tapped.

Resolution: We are sorry you are having this issue. We have confirmed the problem and are looking to resolve it in a future JRNY release.

Workaround: In the meantime, use this workaround to skip to the next song.

titleSkipping a song in JRNY Radio
  1. Open the JRNY Radio controls by tapping the note icon or song banner (if displayed).

  2. Tap on Change Music Service in the lower left.

  3. Select a different station.

  4. Let the new song play for a second or two.

  5. Tap on Change Music Service and select the previous station.


JRNY Mobile App

On machine workouts are not syncing to JRNY

Description: Workouts started and completed on a Max Trainer M6 or M8, will not sync to the Journal when connecting with the Android JRNY app afterward.

Resolution: We are sorry you are experiencing this issue and we are currently investigating the cause. In the meantime, use the workaround to make sure the completed workouts appear in JRNY.

Workaround: The workaround is to use JRNY on an iOS device to sync the on machine workout to the backend or use JRNY to select and start the workout.

titleUsing JRNY iOS to sync workouts to the backend
  1. Install JRNY on the iOS device using the App Store.

  2. Power on the Max Trainer and make sure Get Ready is displayed.

  3. After launching JRNY, tap the Bluetooth icon in the upper right corner.

  4. Tap on the M6 or M8 icon in the Connect tab. Connection will be completed when the machine icon is green, and “Disconnect” is displayed. Also, the M6/M8 will show “App Connected”.

  5. Tap the Journal tab at the bottom of the screen to verify the workout has been synced. Once synced via the iOS device, it will also show in the Android version of JRNY.

titleStarting a machine-based workout in JRNY
  1. Power on the Max Trainer and make sure Get Ready is displayed.

  2. After launching JRNY, tap the Bluetooth icon in the upper right corner.

  3. Tap on the M6 or M8 icon in the Connect tab. Connection will be completed when the machine icon is green, and “Disconnect” is displayed. Also, the M6/M8 will show “App Connected”.

  4. Tap away from the Connect drawer to close it.

  5. Tap the Programs tab (if on phone, tap the 3 lines to the left of “Just For You” to see Programs).

  6. Go to Standard Workouts row (scroll to bottom if you have a Membership), swipe to find, then tap the workout you want to run.

  7. Tap Select.

  8. Select an item on the Entertainment Options screen or tap Skip to start the workout.

NOTE: if there is a workout you like to do often, tap the Heart icon at any time before or after the workout to put it in the Favorites tab for easier access.

Premium content can’t be accessed after signing up for JRNY

Description: If a user is logged into their JRNY profile while signing up for JRNY, this bug prevents them from accessing Premium JRNY content. While our developers are working hard, we do not have an ETA for a fix at this time.

Resolution: This one is easy! Please log out of your JRNY profile and log back in. This only needs to be done once to access the extensive workout library available to our Premium JRNY subscribers.

Bluetooth connection lost after dismissing maintenance reminder

Description: After connecting to a Max Trainer SE or IC Bike SE, JRNY provides a Maintenance Reminder for the machine. The Maintenance Reminder appears each time the connection is attempted, and when the reminder is dismissed, the Bluetooth connection is terminated.

Resolution: This issue has been resolved. If you are still experiencing it, make sure you have updated to the latest version of JRNY. If after updating, you are still having connection issues, go to the Connectivity page for tips or file a Support Ticket.

I’m not receiving a confirmation code when creating a profile

Description: This bug affects profiles that are in the process of being created. It typically occurs when JRNY is closed before the Confirmation Code is entered. Users will typically see “I think you’ve already got an account…” displayed. Password resets and confirmation code requests are not completed while in this state.

Resolution: Request the confirmation code via, attempt to log in and continue profile creation, and/or add to your email’s trusted senders list.

titleRequest the confirmation code via
  1. Go to

  2. Click the Sign In button.

  3. Enter your JRNY email address and click the Continue button.

  4. Enter your password and click the Sign In button.

  5. When the Confirmation Code screen appears, check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email on

titleLogin with any password to continue creating your profile
  1. Log in with your email and any password.

  2. On the Confirmation Code screen, tap Next.

  3. JRNY will display “Incorrect Code.”

  4. At the bottom of the screen, tap Resend Code.

  5. Check your inbox for a Confirmation Code email from

  6. Enter the code from the email, then tap Next.

    1. Note: there will be no confirmation that the code was entered correctly.

  7. In the upper left corner, tap Cancel.

  8. Log into your profile using your email address and the correct password.

    1. Note: the password can be reset at this stage, if desired.

titleAdd to your email's safe senders list

Adding to your safe or trusted senders list should allow the confirmation code to be received if it is blocked by the email service provider.

These steps vary depending on the email provider.

Distance resets during a workout after 9.9 miles

(BowFlex Max Trainer SE/IC Bike SE and Schwinn 190/290)

Description: After the workout has logged 9.9 miles, the distance displayed resets to 0.

Resolution: We resolved this issue with the recent console firmware update. Please attempt to update your machine’s firmware using JRNY or a USB flash drive. Instructions for updating via USB flash drive are available here: Update Console Firmware With A USB Flash Drive.

JRNY is not completing Console Firmware Updates

(BowFlex Max Trainer SE/IC Bike SE and Schwinn 190/290)

Description: When initiating a console firmware update through JRNY, update progress remains at 0% indefinitely. If the firmware update is canceled, JRNY will not connect to your machine. We have turned the firmware updates off while we work to resolve this issue.

Resolution: Please visit Firmware Update Error for instructions to update your machine’s firmware via a USB flash drive or request a Firmware Update Kit.

Workout Profile Graph in Journal is Not Correct

Description: After the workout ends, the start of the purple line in the Workout Profile graph will be sloped, too straight, or missing.

Resolution: We are sorry you are experiencing this problem. We have confirmed the issue and are working on a resolution to put in a future JRNY release.

Console displaying incorrect Speed when JRNY is connected

(Bowflex Max Trainer SE & IC Bike SE)

Description: With the console display set to Metric and JRNY connected, the Speed will be displayed in MPH instead of KPH.

Resolution: We are aware of the issue and have confirmed this is a display only issue (JRNY is calculating the speed correctly). If the difference is too distracting, the console can be set to not display data when JRNY is connected. To turn off the display:

  1. Press and hold the Enter/Start and Up Arrow buttons until SYS UNITS is displayed.

  2. Press the Enter/Start button 5 times until DISPLAY METRICS is displayed.

  3. Press the Up or Down Arrow button until NO is displayed.

  4. Press Pause/Stop to exit the Settings Menu.

Schwinn 290R showing as a 190U

Description: When going to connect to a 290 Recumbent bike, the 190 Upright bike appears in the Connect drawer. If connected, trainer-led videos are on the upright bike instead of recumbent.

Resolution: First, check if the bike programming is malformed or programmed as a 190U instead of 290R.

titleCheck Bike Programming
  1. Press and hold the Program button until SYS UNITS is displayed.

  2. Press the Program button 5 more times until SN is displayed.  If it's programmed as a 290, it will start with "SN 290R".  If it starts with "SN 190U" or has a malformed serial number then the problem is with the board.

  3. Press the Pause/Stop button to get back to the Home screen.

If the serial number is malformed or starts with “190U” then contact the Schwinn In-Warranty support line (800) 605-3369, option 4.
If the serial number starts with “290R”, contact JRNY support by submitting a ticket from the JRNY Troubleshooting page.

Unable to Skip songs in JRNY Radio (International Only)

Description: After selecting a music channel, the Skip button will be inactive and display the Limited Skips modal when tapped. Tapping the Thumbs Down icon will either have no response or display the Limited Skips modal.

Resolution: We are sorry you are having this issue. We have confirmed the problem and are looking to resolve it in a future JRNY release.

Workaround: In the meantime, use this workaround to skip to the next song.

titleSkipping a song in JRNY Radio
  1. Open the JRNY Radio controls by tapping the note icon or song banner (if displayed).

  2. Tap on Change Music Service in the lower left.

  3. Select a different station.

  4. Let the new song play for a second or two.

  5. Tap on Change Music Service and select the previous station.


Needing Additional Assistance? Submit a ticket here and we will keep you updated with our progress!
