JRNY Membership
Best Practices
Log out and back into profile
Confirm via jrny.com or App/Play Store app membership is still active
If inherited, confirm original profile has active membership
Renewing Membership
NOTE: Due to system upgrades, billing was paused as of 4/22/24.
UPDATE: Billing has resumed as of 5/6/24. Log into your account on jrny.com to sign up or renew your Membership.
To renew a membership purchased through the App or Play Store:
On iOS, open the App Store app, tap the account icon then Subscriptions. Select JRNY from the app list then tap the Renew button to continue with the previous plan or tap See All Plans to pick a different one.
On Android, open the Play Store app, tap the account icon, tap Payments & subscriptions then Subscriptions. Tap Resubscribe then Subscribe to renew the same plan.